Free lessons on the American English Vowels
In these videos, Julie will teach you how to pronounce each vowel of American English with step-by-step instructions and close-ups of the lip, jaw, and tongue positions. All videos come with practice exercises and detailed explanations of how to pronounce each vowel. You'll also learn about additional vowel-related topics such as vowel length, vowel nasality, tense and lax vowels, and more!

5 Pronunciation Mistakes You MUST Avoid!
Here's the replay of my YouTube Livestream, where I discussed the top 5 vowels and consonants that are stopping you from sounding like a native speaker!

How to Pronounce Difficult Minimal Pairs - EH /ɛ/ vs. AA /æ/
In this video, I'll show you how to pronounce two of the most challenging vowels in American English: the EH /ɛ/ "red" and the AA /æ/ "rad" vowels.

How to Pronounce Difficult Minimal Pairs - AH /ɑ/ vs. UH /ʌ/ [Part 18]
Take your pronunciation practice of the AH /ɑ/ "father" and UH /ʌ/ "butter" vowels even further with this video!

How to Pronounce Difficult Minimal Pairs - AH /ɑ/ vs. UH /ʌ/ [Student Request Part 17]
Perfect your pronunciation of the AH /ɑ/ "father" and UH /ʌ/ "butter" vowels in this video!

How to Pronounce Difficult Words in American English - Minimal Pairs [Student Request Part 14]
Let's practice some minimal pairs in American English! Get tons of practice with these two front vowels: AA /æ/, like in "bad", and EH /ɛ/, like in "bed".

Vowel Length in American English
Long vowels, short vowels, medium vowels - in spoken English, does the length of the vowel really matter? Yes! There's a rule to vowel pronunciation that you won't find in a dictionary, but native speakers use it. Learn the rule in this video!

How the Dark L Influences Vowels
The Dark L is a tricky sound! It is difficult to pronounce on its own, but it's even more difficult when it is in a word like "feel" or "pill" or "sale". Why? Because it influences the way the vowel is pronounced - the vowel changes because of the Dark L!

How Nasal Consonants Influence Vowels
American English doesn't have nasal vowels...BUT...nasal consonants can influence the way vowels are pronounced! If you want to sound natural to a native speaker, you need to master the nasalization of the American English vowels.

How to Pronounce the OOR /ʊɹ/ Vowel
The American English OOR /ʊɹ/ vowel is in the words "tour", "lure", and sometimes in the word "you're". This vowel is different than the other R-colored vowels because not all native speakers use this vowel - sometimes they use the OR /ɔɹ/ or ER /ɝ/ vowels instead!

How to Pronounce the OR /ɔɹ/ Vowel
Perfect your American accent and learn how to pronounce the American English OR /ɔɹ/ vowel! The OR vowel is in the words "door", "order", and "your". The trick to making this vowel is to keep your lips rounded!

How to Pronounce the AR /ɑɹ/ Vowel
What sound does a pirate make? "ARRRRRR!" If you've ever wondered how to make the "pirate sound", this video is for you! Learn the American English AR /ɑɹ/ vowel, like in the words "car", "heart", and "party", in both stressed and unstressed syllables!

How to Pronounce the AIR /ɛɹ/ Vowel
The American English AIR /ɛɹ/ vowel is in the words "hair", "dare", and "bear", and it's a great example of how American English spelling does NOT match the pronunciation! Perfect your American accent and learn how to pronounce this tricky R-colored vowel!

How to Pronounce the EAR Vowel
The R sound is a distinguishing feature of American English, and if you want to sound more like a native speaker, you need to master the R-colored vowels! Learn how to pronounce the EAR /ɪɹ/ vowel, like in the words "here", "year", and "appear"!

How to Pronounce the ER Vowel /ɝ, ɚ/
Learn how to pronounce the American English R-colored vowel ER /ɝ,ɚ/, like in the words "bird" and "mother". American English loves the R sound in all forms, so if you want to sound like a native speaker, you need to master the R-colored vowels!

An Introduction to R-Colored Vowels
Did you know the American R sound can be both a consonant and a vowel? It's a bit confusing, but this video will teach you the basics of the Consonant R /ɹ/ versus the Vowel R.

How to Pronounce the UH /ʊ/ Vowel
The UH /ʊ/ Vowel is in the words "book", "put", and "could", and if you ask me, this is the WEIRDEST vowel in American English! Learn tips on how to pronounce the UH /ʊ/ vowel in stressed and unstressed positions, up close and in slow-motion!

How to Pronounce the OO /u/ Vowel
The OO /u/ vowel, like in the word "too", is fairly common in other languages, so you might have it in your native language. But there are a couple of things that make the OO /u/ vowel different in American English!

How to Pronounce the IH /I/ Vowel
Perfect your American accent and learn the tricks to pronouncing this unique American English vowel, IH /ɪ/, like in the words "bit", "live", and "window". You'll see this vowel up close and in slow motion, and learn how this vowel changes before the NG consonant!

How to Pronounce the EE /i/ Vowel
Learn how native American English speakers pronounce the EE /i/, like in "see" vowel, in both stressed and unstressed syllables! And sound more like a native speaker with vowel gliding!

How to Pronounce the AH /ɑ/ Vowel
Improve your American Accent! Learn how to pronounce the American English vowel AH /ɑ/, like in "father" - and learn how this vowel has replaced the AW /ɔ/ vowel!

How to Pronounce the UH /ʌ/ Vowel
Improve your American accent and learn how to pronounce the UH /ʌ / like in "butter" vowel! See the vowel up close and in slow motion, in both stressed and unstressed syllables!

How to Pronounce the Schwa UH /ə/ Vowel
Improve your American accent and learn how to pronounce the most common vowel in American English: the schwa! It's so important that it has its own name! The schwa UH /ə/ vowel is in the words about, computer, and banana.

Introduction to the Schwa UH /ə/ Vowel
Perfect your American accent and learn all about the American schwa UH /ə/ vowel, like in the word "about". You'll learn why the schwa is the most common vowel in American English, and when to use it in word reductions!

How to Pronounce the AA /æ/ Vowel
Learn how to pronounce the American English vowel AA /æ/, like in the word "bat" - including how this vowel changes when it is next to an N, M, or NG consonant!

How to Pronounce the EH /ɛ/ Vowel
Improve your American accent and learn how to pronounce the American English vowel EH /ɛ/, like in the word "red"! See the EH vowel up close and in slow motion, in both stressed and unstressed syllables!

How to Pronounce the OY /ɔɪ/ Diphthong
Learn the American accent! The OY /ɔɪ/, like in "boy", vowel is called a diphthong - this means it has TWO sounds! Learn the correct lip, jaw, and tongue placement as you say this American English diphthong vowel, in both stressed and unstressed words!

How to Pronounce the AI /aɪ/ Diphthong
The AI /aɪ/ like in "time" American English diphthong has TWO vowel sounds. Learn the correct jaw, lip, and tongue positions as you glide from the first position to the last, in both stressed and unstressed words!

How to Pronounce the AY /eɪ/ Diphthong
The American English AY in "day" vowel is called a diphthong, which means it has TWO sounds! Learn the correct tongue, lip, and jaw positions as you say this common vowel of American English!

How to Pronounce the OW /aʊ/ Diphthong
The OW /aʊ/ in "how" is called a diphthong, and it has TWO sounds. Learn tips on how to correctly move your lips, jaw, and tongue to say the OW sound!

How to Pronounce the OH /oʊ/ Diphthong
The OH /oʊ/ in "no" American English diphthong has TWO vowel sounds. Learn the correct jaw, lip, and tongue positions as you glide from the first position to the last, in both stressed and unstressed words!

AH /ɑ/ and UH /ʌ/ Vowels: Minimal Pairs Listening Quiz
How well can you hear the difference between the words "cot" and "cut"? Improve your listening and speaking skills of the AH /ɑ/ in "father" and the UH /ʌ/ in "butter" vowels with this minimal pairs listening quiz!

EE and IH Vowels: Minimal Pairs Listening Quiz
How well can you hear the difference between the words bead and bid? Perfect your listening and pronunciation of the EE /i/ and IH /ɪ/ vowels in American English with this listening quiz!

EE and IH Vowels: A Visual Test
How good is your pronunciation of the EE (beat) and IH (bit) vowels in American English? Test your skills with this visual test!

AH and UH Vowels: A Visual Test
How well can you pronounce the AH (father) and the UH (butter) vowels in American English? Test your pronunciation skills with this visual test!

The Vowels of American English
What makes the vowel in "beat" different from the bowel in "bit"? Learn about the front, central, and back vowels of American English!

How to Pronounce the AH /ɑ/ Vowel and the UH /ʌ/ Vowel
Pronouncing the "ah" and "uh" vowels can be difficult for non-native English speakers to pronounce, so I created this video to help!

The Top 5 Problematic Sounds in American English: The “eee” and “ih” vowels
This is Part Four of the Top 5 Problematic Sounds in American English.

The Top 5 Problematic Sounds in American English: The AY /eɪ/ "bait" and EH /ɛ/ "bet" vowels
Learn the tricks to pronouncing the American English tense/lax vowel pair AY /eɪ/ (bait) and EH /ɛ/ (bet)!