Wondering if professional voice training is right for you?
- You know what you want to say, but you have difficulty expressing your thoughts clearly or confidently.
- You feel like you stutter or become nervous before you speak in front of others, even though you’re knowledgeable on the topic.
- You’re unhappy with the quality of your voice-maybe it sounds too soft, too high, too nasal, or too creaky and you’re worried that your voice is sometimes a distraction.
- You hold back from talking in meetings because you’re worried that you may forget what you wanted to say or say the wrong thing.
- You want to move up into a leadership position at work, but you feel like your voice and public speaking skills are lacking.
If this describes you, then professional voice training can help you to become the dynamic and engaging speaker that you want to be!
Personalized training
Here's what's included in the private professional voice training program:
- 1:1 private training sessions
- Fully customized course that targets the areas that are important to you
- Incorporation of real life material in each session, including current work presentations, sales pitches, upcoming client meetings, etc.
- Detailed feedback on home practice assignments
- Weekly personal vocabulary recordings
- Flexible scheduling and payment options
- Option to include private accent reduction training, if desired
Gain Confidence with Professional Voice Training
Here's what a few of my clients have to say about working with me:

Sunit V.
Hindi, Electrical Engineer
Working with Julie was awesome! She helped customize the syllabus as per the feedback from my initial performance review, which helped me focus on my weak areas such as understanding intonation, consonants, and American English pronunciation. The course gave me a jump start to becoming a better storyteller.

Ivan S.
Spanish, Graphic Designer
San Diego Voice and Accent is one of the most comprehensive resources I have found to help me strengthen and develop a clear, resonant speaking voice. This course provided an ample amount of information to better understand how to use my voice and how to keep it healthy. The exercises in the videos are easy to follow, and are guided by the ever pleasant and delightful Julie. What a great resource, I can’t recommend it enough!

Hong Y.
Mandarin, Senior Scientist
Before I attended Julie's 4-week seminar, I thought my pronunciation was pretty good. After the first class, I realized that there are still many things I can improve on. The information I learned in her classes helped me to hear and understand better what others are saying. And with practice, I feel others can understand me better as well. This is exactly what I need to improve.
Are you ready to become a more engaging, exciting, and effective leader?
Schedule a Planning Session with Julie today to design your custom professional voice course!